Sitemap - 2023 - Nothing New Under the Sun


American Asymmetry


The Value of an Education

Fear of America

Tortillas and the U.S./Mexico Border (Sunbelt #5)

Civic Renewal: The Art of Political Coalitions

Messaging Matters

The Truth of Tim Scott's Opportunity Zones


A Culture of Affirmative Action

The Sins of the Past


Sorry Baby Boomers, but the new political center will likely lean Left

What Tim Scott Could Do

The Immigration Act of 1924

Disney is Not the Problem

May 11, 1751: Pennsylvania Hospital

May 10, 1740: The Negro Act

May 9, 1960: The FDA approves Enovid-10 or "The Pill"

May 8, 2009: Cross Burnings in 21st-Century America

Painful American Experiences

The Social Blindspots of "Red America"

The Lies of Tucker Carlson

April 19, 1993 - April 19, 1995: “Something dark was moving in society.”

April 18, 1857: America's Natural Evolution

April 14, 1865: "That means nigger citizenship. ... That is the last speech he will ever give."

April 11, 1970: "Houston, we've had a problem."

April 12, 1861: We are still dealing with the psychological trauma of the Civil War.

April 10, 1925: The Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg and the New Era

April 6, 1917: “We are provincials no longer.”

April 5, 1987: The Fourth Network

March 30, 1867: "Russian Fairy Land"

March 29, 1918: Addicted to Walmart

March 28, 1939: War in Spain

March 23, 1996: Democracy in East Asia

March 22, 1972: ERA on Deck

March 21, 1556: Church and State

March 20, 1852

Reader Note

"The Media" (Television #2)

The One About TV (Television #1)

The Vietnam War Era (1949 - 1983)

What Nikki Haley Could Do

January 6, 1942

Everybody Struggles

Post-racial Society

Chicken Sandwiches for the Soul (Sunbelt #4)

Republican Racism

The Miseducation of Woke

The Postmodern School of Fast Money, Easy Politics, and Banging the Tribal Drum

Why does past precedent suggest future trolling from Byron Donalds?

Not Ready for Primetime

Reaganism was a Dark Turn in American history and it is glaringly obvious.